Thursday, July 22, 2010

Princess Elsie and the Magic Shampoo

Once upon a time Princess Elsie ran out of her favorite shampoo and had to go buy some more.  On her way to the store, she saw a pink shop. Everything about this shop was pink. The building was pink, the door was pink, the chimney was pink and even the windows looked a little pink. Since Princess Elsie loved the color pink, she decided she just had to go into the pink shop and see what was inside…maybe she could even find some shampoo in there.

Once inside, Princess Elsie noticed that everything inside the store was pink too! There were pink clothes, pink shoes, pink dolls, pink food, and even a pink kitten playing on the shop floor (which, of course, was pink).

Princess Elsie went up to the shopkeeper and asked the lady if she had any shampoo. The nice lady with the long hair said that she had one bottle of shampoo left, but that she didn’t think Princess Elsie would want it.

Before the lady could explain further, Princess Elsie took the shampoo from the lady’s hand and insisted on buying the shampoo. 

Later that day, Princess Elsie decided to try her new, pink shampoo.  It smelled just like strawberries! And not like how most shampoos smell sort of like strawberries, but this smelled exactly like a fresh picked strawberry. The shampoo itself was glittery and sparkled. And Elsie couldn’t believe it, but the bubbles the shampoo made were pink too! They floated right up the ceiling and popped, sending out the smell of strawberries.

After washing her hair, Princess Elsie combed and dried her hair, then went to bed and usual.

When she looked in the mirror the next morning, Princess Elsie was shocked to discover that her hair was now at least six inches longer than it had been when she went to bed. Her hair now reached her waste!

At first, Princess Elsie was shocked, but then she decided that she rather liked having waste length hair and spent the day flipping her hair around and smelling the strawberry scent that surrounded her every time she did so.

That night Princess Elsie washed her hair just like she usually did. She still only had the pink shampoo, and she wondered if anything would happen a second time.

By next morning, Princess Elsie had completely forgotten about the shampoo…until she looked in the mirror!

“Oh, my!” she said. Princess Elsie’s hair was now long enough that she could sit on it. All day long she had to be careful not to sit on her hair because when she did it would pull her hair.

Even though her hair was in the way when she would sit down, Princess Elsie loved her new long hair.

That night, Princess Elsie once again used the pink shampoo. She wondered if her hair would continue to grow and grow and grow!

Sure enough, the next morning Princess Elsie found that her hair was down to her knees! Now she had the longest hair in the entire kingdom.

She washed her hair again that night and woke to find that her hair was to her feet! All day long she went around showing off the longest hair in the kingdom.

That night, she once again washed her hair with the pink shampoo. She had to use a lot of it because she had so much hair. Princess Elsie said to herself, “There is no way my hair could get any longer, so there is no reason not to use this wonderful smelling shampoo.”

She was wrong.

When she woke up, Princess Elsie could barely move. Her hair was wrapped around her from tossing and turning in the bed.  When she finally managed to get untangled from her own hair, she found out that her hair was three feet longer than she was tall!

This would never do. Princess Elsie immediately went to her mom and made her cut her hair back to the length it was before she ever used the shampoo.  Then Princess Elsie went out and bought her regular shampoo.  It didn’t smell as good as the pink shampoo, or have pink bubbles that floated to the ceiling and popped, but at least her hair would grow at a normal rate!

Princess Elsie didn’t throw the pink shampoo away though. She decided to keep it and every once in awhile she would use just enough to make her hair a little longer for special occasions, but she always had her mom cut it again because she decided long hair wasn’t good for every day.

The End

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Princess Elsie and the Little People

One night, Princess Elsie woke from a bad dream. She was scared, but not so scared that she needed her mommy.

Now Princess Elsie didn’t want to go back to sleep in the dark, but she didn’t want to turn on the lights because her mommy might know that she was having bad dreams. Princess Elsie is very smart and decided to take her flashlight to bed with her. So she crawled into bed with her flashlight and pulled the covers over her head.

Oh, my! Princess Elsie was startled by what she saw. There was a whole village of little tiny people under her covers! She just couldn’t believe it. What were those people doing there? She’d never noticed them before.

Princess Elsie crawled further under her covers and began to watch the little people. They were so cute. Their heads looked too big for their bodies and they had huge eyes. They were so small that they were the size of Princess Elsie’s thumbnail.

The village had a ferris wheel, and Princess Elsie loved to watch the little people go round and round on it. There was also a train that went round and round the village, stopping at different spots along the way. The little children went to school and the mom’s went to the grocery store.

Pretty soon Princess Elsie forgot all about her bad dream. She began to get sleepy as she watched the little people go about their day. Princess Elsie put her head down and watched as the train went round and round, and she fell asleep.

When Princess Elsie woke up the next morning, there was no sign of the little people. They were all gone. No houses, no store, no school, no ferris wheel and no train. But every time that Princess Elsie woke up in the middle of the night, there they were. Princess Elsie would lie her head down by the village and watch them until she fell asleep.

The End

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Princess Elsie and the Inside-Out House

Once upon a time Princess Elsie decided to go for a walk in the woods. Princess Elsie loved to walk through the woods and explore new places. As she was walking through the woods, Princess Elsie discovered a path that she had never noticed before and decided to walk down it to see what might be there.

The further Princess Elsie walked, the closer the trees grew together until she began to wonder if she should turn back. The path was getting hard to follow and she was sure that it must end without going anywhere. Just about then, Princess Elsie walked through a gap in the trees and into a clearing in the forest.

In front of her was a lovely meadow with soft green grass. There was a very big house in the middle of the meadow. Now there is nothing strange about a house in the middle of a meadow, but it was what was outside the house that made Princess Elsie curious.

Outside the house was a bed, and beside the bed was a nightstand and dresser. It was as if there was a bedroom right there in the front yard! And if that wasn’t strange enough, there was also a couch and coffee table. Princess Elsie looked around and saw something that was really strange…there was a kitchen table, four chairs, and a stove and refrigerator. All outside! Princess Elsie wondered why all these things would be outside the house.

Now Princess Elsie was a very brave little girl, so she walked right up to the front door and knocked. Pretty soon a little old man opened the door and looked at Princess Elsie.

The Little Old Man said, “Hi. My name is Mr. Marvel.”

Now we don’t know if Marvel was the man’s first name or last name. Maybe Mr. Marvel didn’t even know if he had another name, but looked like a very nice man to Princess Elsie.

“My name is Princess Elsie.” she said.

“Well hello Princess Elsie. Please come into my house.”

So, Princess Elsie walked into the house and got a really big surprise. There wasn’t anything inside the house, or at least there wasn’t any furniture or anything else that was supposed to be inside a house that Princess Elsie could see. In fact, there was grass where carpet should be, and a pond in the middle of the room! And Princess Elsie couldn’t believe it, but there was a tree growing right next to the pond…inside the house!

“Can I ask you a question Mr. Marvel” asked Princess Elsie as she looked at the ducks swimming on the pond.

“Why, yes you can.” He replied.

Why is all your furniture outside your house and your front yard on the inside of your house?”

“That’s a very good question Princess Elsie. I love the outdoors. One day I decided I wanted to know what it would be like to sleep outside, under the stars.” said Mr. Marvel.

“I loved it so much that I decided to sleep outside every night, so I moved my bed outside. Pretty soon I decided to move my dresser and nightstand outside as well. I liked that so much that I decided to move my couch outside so I could sit and watch the birds. Eventually, I decided to move my kitchen outside so that I could enjoy the breeze on my face while I ate my food. By then all the furniture in my house was outside my house!”

“Wow” said Princess Elsie, “that is a great story, but can I ask one more thing?”

“Sure.” said Mr. Marvel.

“Why do you have a pond and a tree inside your house.” Asked Princess Elsie.

“Well,” said Mr. Marvel, “since I moved all the insides of my house out onto the front yard, I decided I should move my front yard into the house. I took up the floor and planted some grass and a tree. Then I dug a pond and filled it with water and fish. This way I can be outside, even when I’m inside!”

“That makes a lot of sense.” said Princess Elsie. “I really like your inside-out house.”

Mr. Marvel laughed. He had never heard his house called an inside-out house before, but he liked it.

“Would you like to have lunch with me? asked Mr. Marvell.

“I would love to.” said Princess Elsie.

Princess Elsie and Mr. Marvell had creamy peanut butter sandwiches and enjoyed sitting outside the inside-out house.

The End.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Under Construction

This blog is under construction.

My goal is to chronicle the stories that I create for my niece. I hope you will check back for the first of many Princess Elsie Stories.